Star Student

Welcome to our Star Student page!

I hope this helps explain more fully what I do in my class for star student. Each week, I choose one student to be our star student. That child gets to be our "star" for the week. It is so important that each child gets a chance to feel included and important in our class. This is one way I help them feel that way.

On the Friday BEFORE your child's star student week, I will send home a small poster for you to help your child decorate and fill out. Please send it back to school on Monday of his or her star student week. We will share the poster during our calendar time on Monday. Then, each day of the week, your child will get to share something special about themselves.

On Tuesday, your child gets to bring his or her favorite story to share with the class. I will read this out loud (or you could come and read it if you have a special way of sharing the story with your child). Please make sure it is a SHORT story approximately 5-7 minutes reading time.

Wednesday is show-and-tell day. The star student can bring in 2-3 things that are special to them to share with our class during star time.

On Thursday, our star student gets to use our special "star" materials for the day!

Friday is treat day! If your child would like to bring a special snack to share with our class, this is the day to do it. Please remember that all snacks/treats must be commercially packaged (store bought) and must be nut free!!

I look forward to getting to know each of your kiddos better!

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