Monday, August 6, 2012

Color Days!

This week we will be learning about color words. If you would like, you can have your child wear the following colors on the following days:

Tuesday: Red
Wednesday: Orange
Thursday: Yellow

We have also started learning sight words. If you are reading with your child at night, pause and let them read the following words during your time together:


Write them on 3x5 cards and put them up somewhere in your house where they will be seen a lot. Make them "passwords" so each time your child walks past the word, he/she has to tell you what it is. (You could even put one word in one place and another word somewhere else — i.e., the front door, bathroom door, bedroom door, on the tv — and they have to read it before they can watch anything, the possibilities are endless!)

You will be amazed how quickly they will start to pick up reading if you encourage them to point these words out whenever they see them. After all, they are everywhere (in books, on billboards, on the iPad, even on menus at restaurants).

I work with my four-year-old nightly for about 5-10 minutes, letting her focus on 2 words a week until she has them mastered. She already knows about 20 words.

I am looking forward to a great week full of learning.


Mrs. Newman

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