Monday, October 29, 2012

Parent-Teacher Conferences

With Parent-Teacher conferences rapidly approaching, I wanted to give you some information about what will be reflected on this first report card.

Here is a list of the skills your child should have mastered by this first report card time. A copy of the following information will come home with your child's report card as well. If you have any questions or concerns about what you see here, please let me know.
Speaking & Listening
SL. K. 1(b)
I can carry on a conversation with multiple exchanges!
Y      N
SL. K. 2
I can ask & answer questions about a story I have been read or something I have been told!
Y      N
SL. K. 4
I can describe things that are familiar to me!
Y      N
L. K. 1(b)
I can use frequently used nouns & verbs properly!
Y      N
L. K. 1(c)
I can form plural nouns by adding “s” or “es” correctly in spoken words!
Y      N
L. K. 1(d)
I can understand and use question words!
Y      N
I can use new words I learn in conversation!
Y      N

Concepts of Print
RL. K. 5
I can identify the front/back cover and title page of a book!
Y       N
RL. K. 6
I can tell you what the author & illustrator do!
Y      N
RF. K. 1
RF. K. 1(a)
RF. K. 1(b)
I can show you how print works!
(top-bottom. left-right, page turning, spoken words can be written)
Y      N
RF. K. 1(a)
I recognize and can name 14 or more upper and lowercase letters!
Y      N

Phonemic Awareness
RF. K. 2
I can recognize and make more rhyming words!
Y      N
RF. K. 3(a)
I can correctly identify the letter when given a letter sound! (At least 6 letter/sound relationships)
Y      N
L. K. 2(c)
I can write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds!
Y      N

RF. K. 1(d)
I can recognize and name 14 or more upper & lower case letters!
Y      N

I can read a book with appropriate speed!
I am not reading at a level B or higher yet.

*fluency is graded on a student reading a book independently

Read/Write High Frequency Words
I can read these high frequency words!
I, a, it, is, the, she, said, like, see, you, in, and, he, we, me, be, to, do, my, by, look, for

I can write these high frequency words!
I, a, it, is, the, she, said, like, see, you, in, and, he, we, me, be, to, do, my, by, look, for


RL. K. 2
I can retell a story using key details!
Y         N
RL. K. 7
I can tell you why a picture is important to a story!
Y      N

Informational/Opinion/Narrative Writing
I can use pictures and some letters/words to tell a story!
Y      N
I can use pictures and some letters/words to tell my opinion!
Y      N
I can use pictures and some letters/words to tell something I learned!
Y      N

Handwriting Rubric
Letters sit on the line
Tall letters touch the top
Tails hang
Small letters fill their space
Circle letters are closed
Letters are formed correctly (top to bottom)

*Remember that the overall score is NOT an average, but a score that describes the childs work according to the indicators above.*

Language Components
L. K. 1(a)
I can print many upper and lower case letters
uC        /26
LC        /26

Counting and Cardinality
CC. K. 2
I can count forward beginning from any number instead of having to start with 1!
Y    N
CC. K. 4
I can say numbers in order and match each number with one object as I count!
Y    N
CC. K. 5
I can count to answer “how many” questions!
(up to 10)
Y    N
CC. K. 6
I can tell whether a group is greater than, less than or equal to the amount of objects in another group!
Y    N
CC.K 7
I can compare two numbers between 1 and 10 when they are presented as written numbers!
Y    N

Operations and Algebraic Thinking
OA. K 4
I can find the number to make 10 when given any number from 1 to 9!
(by using objects or drawings)
Y    N
OA. K. 5
I can add and subtract up to 5!
Y    N

Numbers and Operations in Base 10
*Not applicable term 1!*

Measurement and Data
MD. K. 2
I can compare two objects with a measurable attribute!
(more/less, bigger/smaller, taller/shorter. etc)
Y    N
MD. K. 3
I can classify objects into categories and count the number of objects in each category!
Y    N

G. K. 1
I can describe objects in my environment using shapes!
Y    N
G. K. 1
I can use positional word to describe where things are!
(above, behind, next to, beside, below, etc.)
Y    N
G. K. 2
I can correctly name shapes no matter how big or what direction they are facing!
Y    N

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Book Orders!

It's that time again!

I just wanted to give you a list of some books that I thought would be helpful. Here is the link for the scholastic sight. Order online to get a free book!

Just Right Books:
Our class has loved reading non-fiction books and learning about real information. This catalog had some great sets.
#19 Five Senses Pack 5 books for $9.99
#24 Garden Pack 4 books about how seeds grow for $12.99
#25 Guided Science Reading Set 12 books for $11.99

October Firefly:
#6 Chester the Brave (this series is amazing!)
#12/13 Learning to Tie Your Shoes (many of our kids need to work on this)

November Firefly:
#26 Folk & Fairy Tales Pack
#38 If You Give a Mouse a Cookie Pack

Orders need to be placed by Monday, October 29th. If you order books that will be saved for Holiday gifts, let me know and we will keep them until you can come pick them up.

Our class attended our very first assembly today. The kids did an amazing job and were incredibly respectful for their first assembly ever.

We learned about how to be safe on the internet. For more information like what we learned today, go here!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

We Are Writers!

We have been working a lot on writing in class. This includes:

 learning to sound out words, 
matching the letter with its sound,
putting spaces between words, 
using upper & lower case letters properly,
adding punctuation to the end of sentences,
making our pictures match the words we write,
holding our pencil correctly,
erasing when we make a mistake,
and a whole lot more!

As you can see, writing is a lot of work! Our class has done a fabulous job too! We are picking things up! Our goal is to be a "2-star writer" by our first report card. This means that we need to be able to draw a picture that expresses a thought AND add some letters/words to it. I think we can do even more than that though! Let's see if we can't get a simple sentence written to match our pictures! 

When your child draws at home, see if you can have them write about their picture for you!

We have been learning a lot about how writing works! One of the most important things we have learned is that reading (and writing) goes top to bottom and left to right, ALWAYS!

Here is a song we have been singing together in class to reinforce this idea. Have your child sing it and do the actions for you!

"Top to Bottom"
(to the tune of Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes)
You can substitute the word reading for writing as well.

Top to bottom, left to right
left to right
top to bottom, left to right
left to right
My brain knows that reading always goes
top to bottom, left to right
left to right!

The kids really like to sing this song, which is good, because we do it a lot! 

Today we did a fabulous writing activity about spiders. Have your child tell you about it! I will try and share some pictures tomorrow, but of course, they are at school and I am writing from home. Darn it! Oh well. Just know that they turned out super cute and your kids worked so hard on them!

Have a wonderful day and I will see you all tomorrow for our super-fun day of skeletons!!


Mrs. Newman

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Apologies!

Oh my goodness! The time last week just completely got away from me. I want to sincerely apologize for anything that fell through the cracks during our first week back at school.

That being said, we have a TON of fun things coming up and lots and lots to keep track of!

A few housekeeping items for you to be aware of:

1. Homework is coming home nightly and needs to be completed and turned in the next day.
2. Don't forget to practice sight words each night, so you can move on to the next list!
3. If you cannot come to class on your designated day/time, please CALL or EMAIL me that morning so I know whether to plan on you helping students or not.

Now that I got those things out of the way, I want to tell you about our upcoming events.

Our classroom Learning Links parent is Melanie Pulley. She will be organizing our Halloween party and has a list of things that would be helpful to best make our party run smoothly.

 Bottle of Apple Juice
 Dixie Cups
 Package of Double-Stuff Oreos
 Bag of Pretzel Sticks
 Bag of M&Ms
 Bag of: smarties, candy corns, or skittles

If you are able to help by donating any of these items, or you would like to be involved in helping during the party, please leave a comment on this blog post or contact her at

Finally, I promised our class that I would include the link to this song so that they could play it at home. Here it is: our favorite THE SKELETON DANCE!

I hope that everyone is having a wonderful time enjoying the fall weather. Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!

Monday, October 1, 2012

If You Go Out In The Woods Today...

Our first off-track break has come and gone. Now it's time to get down and dirty with learning!

Before I start bombarding you all with the many, many things that will be happening in our class, let's take a look at the last day before we went off track!

Thank you so very much for all who came out to support our class. :) I have pictures of everyone, if yours is missing, let me know. I am still missing a few photograph permission slips, so there were a few I couldn't post yet.

I am looking forward to lots of more fun days over the next nine weeks!


Mrs. Newman